

We are glad to write this foreword to the first issue of Swadeshi Vigyan Patrika.

Today’s intellectual demand is to deal with environment which is the common concern of all individuals. In the present context, it is essential that we deal with the effect of coronavirus or Covid-19 on the environment. There are many viruses affecting the human beings but with little effect an animals and birds. The distinction of corona is that if affects not only the human beings but animals, especially the pet animals like cats and dogs. This virus has also spread across the whole world.

We can even think of a future when a new form of virus may emerge affecting not only the humans and the animals but also the plants. Let us hope that it occurs only in a distant future!

SSM of India with its Head Quarters at NPL, Delhi, has been trying to take the Sciences – both traditional as well as modern – to the common man through Conferences and exhibitions for several years. All these have been held in Hindi and English. And, we used to bring out the Proceedings. Deviating from this practice, we decided to bring out the Swadeshi Vigyan

Patrika and we may also plan for E-Conferences so that every educated person has an easy access to participation. We are aware that this is never a realistic substitute for Actual conferences where scientists meet and have a personal interaction with colleagues. A virtual conference can never achieve the value of personal interactions.

Times are changing. We have to keep abreast of this changes. We should plan for Real Conferences. We should occasionally plan some virtual conferences and we should of course take recourse to E-Conferences and E-Publications. We hope that this E-Swadeshi Vigyan Patrika on Corona and Environment will be welcomed by all our well-wishers with enthusiasm. Your support is what keeps us active in our service.

18 June 2020                                                                        Prof. K. I. Vasu

 Bengaluru                                                          Patron, SSM of India, Delhi